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A Foray into College Physics

A Foray into College Physics

Forget dusty textbooks and equations! This course blasts you past intro physics to explore the mind-bending corners of the universe. From black holes swallowing stars to the tiniest particles wiggling in quantum chaos, we'll delve into the weird and wonderful mysteries that science still grapples with. No intense math, just readings, discussions, and your imagination as we zoom in and out, exploring the biggest and smallest things ever imagined. Ready to see the universe in a whole new light? Buckle up!

Forget dusty textbooks and equations! This course blasts you past intro physics to explore the mind-bending corners of the universe. From black holes swallowing stars to the tiniest particles wiggling in quantum chaos, we'll delve into the weird and wonderful mysteries that science still grapples with. No intense math, just readings, discussions, and your imagination as we zoom in and out, exploring the biggest and smallest things ever imagined. Ready to see the universe in a whole new light? Buckle up!

Taught by

Taught by

Aman Singh

Brown University, Astrophysics

Brown University, Astrophysics